芝加哥大学 Booth MBA 文书赏析
“ There are two main reasons why I chose Booth. The first was Booth's ETA (Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition) program offered through the Polsky Center. My goal after business school is to acquire and grow a company. Booth offers an amazing program with resources that can directly help me to achieve that goal.
The second was the flexible curriculum. I have a specific goal and come from a non-traditional background, so I am very excited to be able to tailor my courses to build a strong business foundation and simultaneously focus on cultivating the skills and knowledge to be successful buying and growing a company.”
Comments尽管各家商学院的课程设置难免大同小异,但如果能从其中找到商学院自己特别的部分,这些素材就能成为讲述 Why School 的有力支撑。在Booth来说,ETA创业并购项目,以及可以量身定做课程,都可以成为独树一帜的学院特色。
“ Chicago Booth embraced my individual story and encouraged me to pursue my bold vision for my career. Chicago Booth also had the breadth of resources and an active community for students seeking a role in venture capital post-MBA. Venture capital is an opaque industry. Fortunately at Booth, there is immense support not only to demystify venture capital, but also to land an internship and full-time role. This ranges from the coursework — such as Commercializing Innovation, New Venture Strategy, Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity, and Venture Capital lab — to the depth of the resources provided by our Career Services and the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Group, including career treks and a VC bootcamp led by top VCs in Chicago. I am so grateful I chose Chicago Booth and could not have imagined such a transformative experience anywhere else.
Comments将 Why School 与 Career Goal 连接,是万用不变的要诀。这位申请人立足自身风险投资的职业规划,找到了Booth在课程(如商业化创新、新风险战略、创业金融、私募股权)、课外项目(如风险投资实验室)等方面的资源支撑,体现了对Booth全方位的了解和对自身未来职业发展的精准定位。
“ The flexible curriculum was a big factor in my decision. I studied business in undergrad and my career was in financial services before coming to Booth, so I appreciate the ability to take more advanced courses within areas where I already have a strong knowledge base.
Also, because Booth has Evening and Weekend MBA Programs, students can take classes at night, on the weekends, or even attend the evening and weekend sessions of their class if they have schedule conflicts during the week with personal obligations or recruiting. The additional flexibility in class timing will allow me to have internships during the school year, giving me an advantage during recruitment.”
CommentsBooth 课程的灵活性,不仅体现在灵活的课程设置,还在于灵活的授课时间,各种各样背景的人都可以享受灵活性带来的益处。Advanced 课程和灵活的时间选择,也是比较特别的切入点。
“ The flexible programming, I can’t overstate this. I want to take entrepreneurial electives and I don’t want to wait until year two to start taking them. I know I have a lot to learn about start-up strategy and Booth has fantastic faculty in this concentration. With their help I will be able to further improve my business model; they have a track record of personal success and of helping others succeed. As an entrepreneur, the value in this proposition is obvious. However, think of the possibilities as an investment banker, a strategic consultant or a Big Tech PM looking to enhance or learn industry specific and highly applicable skills before that all important summer internship! What better way of ensuring you get the return offer than going into the business with an understanding of what it is you will be doing?
“ First, I felt an instant connection to each Booth student or Booth alumnus I spoke with when I deliberated between programs. They all were super approachable and spoke passionately about their MBA experience at Booth.
Coming from an army background, the flexible curriculum at Booth felt like a welcome respite from the strict environment and an opportunity to steer my academic and professional path whichever way I choose. Being an engineer at heart I was also very taken with the emphasis the program has on data driven study methods.Having managed projects in a setting of great uncertainty and many unknowns, I witnessed first-hand the impact that quick analytical thinking can have. It is an ability I value and wish to nourish, and I felt there was no better place to do so than at Booth.
Comments借助 Booth 课程的灵活性,小众背景申请人也可以基于自己的职业诉求,定向强化自己的职业技能;有趣的是,这位申请人还将灵活性当作“学校性格”和自己的“环境性格”做了对比,用简约的文字塑造出drama的情境,很吸引读者。
“ The choice-rich culture led me to choose Booth. The system here is one that understands your need to choose and respects the choices you make. A big part of that is the flexible curriculum; while researching B-schools, I was very excited to learn about this top MBA program that affords you the opportunity to design your MBA experience with minimal restrictions. Now that I am here, I see a solid system of support, but you are ultimately responsible for what the two years will look like. I see how this system builds intentional leaders.
Comments本质上还是基于“flexible programming”,即项目设置的灵活性 ,但申请人从 “choice-rich culture” 的角度出发进行阐释,多了一分新意。
对于 Booth MBA Program 来说,Flexibility 是它的特色,也是一个关键词,不同背景的申请人围绕它展开多角度地阐述,体现出项目与自己职业发展的适配性。那么,Booth的这种灵活性对你来说又意味着什么呢?