MA Creative Writing in English创意英语写作
这一项目是香港和亚洲第一个创意写作的课程,十多年来一直是创意作家的摇篮,提供了设计独特的工作坊和密集的研讨会。课程作业和教师指导的平衡为完成原创的创意论文提供了专业的反馈和先进的实践。黑匣子工作室(Blackbox Studio)是香港创意作家与艺术家的摇篮,学生可以在这里与其他作家一起进行为期一年的密集学习,联合起来打造一个终身作家的社区
需提交创意英语写作范例(Writing Sample,10-12页,可以是回忆录、小说、短频小说、戏剧、剧本或诗歌)
Creative Foundations I: Macro Structure and History 创意基础1:宏观结构和历史
Creative Foundations II: Microscope on the Given and the Made 创意基础2:深入研究给予与塑造
Capstone Experience: The Classic and Experimental Writers’ Workshop and Advising Capstone课程:经典与实验的作家工作坊与辅导
Creative Life Stories: Narrating the Life Story of a Project, Person or Dream 创意人生故事:讲述一个项目、一个人或一个梦想
Workshopping Your Creative Vision 打造你的创意愿景
Ritual, Habit and Creative Practice 仪式、习惯与创意实践
A sample of original creative writing in English of 10-12 pages of A4 paper: which may include, for instance, an original short story, a chapter in a novel, excerpts from memoir, or other creative genre. Writing samples may exceed the maximum number of pages, but review of applications will focus especially on the first 12 pages. (Please also note: there is no advantage to submitting a work longer than the required 12 pages.) Note: please submit, if possible, your original creative writing sample:
Double-spaced and numbered, if excerpts from a novel, short story, or memoir
Either single or double-spaced and numbered, if poems
Standard formats and numbered, for excerpts from either drama or a screenplay
You may also choose to submit a single and fluid mixed-genre creative work. The MFA focuses on original single genre and fluid-genre writing drawn from genres of the literary novel, short story, memoir, poetry, drama, and screenplays, including mixed genre and multilingual texts. *Note: other genres, such as children’s literature, young adult fiction, or documentary/blogging have other programmes internationally designated in specialized study.