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  • Kira Interview介绍

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    最后,我们帮大家整理了一些常见的Kira Interview题目,希望大家能够顺利通过Kira Interview,取得满意的申请结果。

    1、Tell me about yourself.

    2、Why do you want to attend our program?

    3、Tell us about a time when you overcame a difficult challenge.

    4、Describe one of your favorite hobbies and why it is essential to you.

    5、How do you work under pressure?

    6、What is your greatest strength and weakness?

    7、If we asked a close friend or family member to describe you, what would they say?

    8、What does "leadership" mean to you?

    9、What did you have for lunch/dinner?

    10、What is your best achievement?

    11、Describe a recent dream you had.

    12、Do you agree that most people act out of altruism rather than self-interest?

    13、Tell me about something funny that happened to you recently.

    14、Tell us about a time you had to collaborate with others. What qualities do you think are needed for solid teamwork to take place?

    15、How do you effectively prioritize when faced with multiple essential tasks at once?

    16、What is your most significant accomplishment?

    17、Tell us about a time when you had to defend an unpopular idea or opinion. How did you make your voice heard, and what was the outcome?

    18、What is your strategy when faced with a decision that you must make quickly?

    19、Tell us something about yourself that isn't in your application materials.

    20、What three terms would you use to define yourself?

    21、Who is your role model?

    22、Tell us about your greatest strength. How have you developed this strength, and how has it helped you succeed?

    23、What factors contributed to your decision to apply for a seat in this program? Tell us about your top three.

    24、Please tell me about an experience where you lead a team consisting of very different individuals. What did you do to lead the team to accomplish the objective, and what was the outcome?

    25、Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time? Why is this important to you?

    26、Which one do you prioritize, social responsibility or profit? Why do you think one should be prioritized over the other (i.e., take a position and defend it)?

    27、Tell us about a time when you had to come to a compromise with a colleague.

    28、How would you explain social media (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to someone 80 years old?

    29、What is the last book you read?/What is the most played song on your computer?/What is the last movie you saw?/Etc.

    30、Tell me when you went out of your way to help someone who wasn't a friend or family member.