斯坦福 MBA 文书赏析
“ The GSB has an incredible bench of professors and guest lecturers who are a great complementary mix of cutting edge researchers and industry practitioners. The point of the program is to create principled, knowledgeable change agents and the best way to do that, in my opinion, is to learn from doers!
“ The GSB’s focus on personal leadership development. Long-term, I intend to serve as a general manager, board director, partner, and parent. To be most impactful in these roles, I need to establish a leadership foundation that I can continually improve upon over my life. Hence, the experiential leadership development opportunities at the GSB through courses (e.g., Leadership Labs, Interpersonal Dynamics) and extracurricular opportunities (e.g., Personal Leadership Coaching, Arbuckle Leadership Fellows) were really appealing. I was particularly excited about the Arbuckle Leadership Fellows program. As a Fellow, I’d get the chance to apply my leadership style in group and individual contexts, receive feedback from MBA2s, MBA1s, and a leadership coach, and derive new learning about my leadership from those experiences.
“ Throughout my life, I have always been torn between two very strong parts of myself: a drive to challenge and push myself intellectually and the need to help bridge the inequality gap in Mexico, my home country. This has always led me down opposite paths, so much so that I used to split my time – from spending my weeks studying and working and my weekends volunteering in Mexico's poorest areas (from garbage landfill communities to prisons).
When I was thinking about where I wanted to do my MBA, I knew that these two years would be critical in shaping how I will prioritize going forward. I wanted to complete an MBA at a school where people and impact have more weight than financial success: a place that would challenge my definition of success, push me to be introspective and carve a path where my career and passion intersect so I can become fully one. I knew the Stanford GSB was the ideal place for me to achieve this goal, challenging me intellectually while staying true to myself.”
这是一个以叙事的方式讲述的 Why School。申请人从自己的人生挣扎(个人发展和建设祖国),讲到一段特色经历(在贫困区做志愿者),进而阐明选择斯坦福的原因(建立人际关系和影响力),用极简的篇幅铺陈开一整个经历,极易为招生官留下深刻的印象。
“ I applied to business school to pursue a career in entrepreneurial real estate and affordable housing, so it was important to me that entrepreneurship and social impact are unique curriculum strengths of the GSB. It's hard to find a more vibrant community of founders searching for ways to solve our society's problems than Stanford, and I thought resources like the Center for Social Innovation and the GSB Impact Fund were the perfect chance to gain first-hand exposure to social impact in the urban environment. Given my limited industry background, I also loved that the GSB offered a variety of ways for me to explore less traditional roles in the real estate space, from proptech startups to urban development VC firms. These parts of GSB's programming – its entrepreneurship curriculum, social impact resources, and varied opportunities for real-world application – really stood out and drew me towards the school.
Comments每年,斯坦福MBA项目都有近两成的学生在毕业后即马上选择创业,领跑众多peer school,创业,成为Stanford不得不提的特色领域,也是很多申请人选择Stanford的原因。这位申请人开篇即提到非常明确的创业目标,并将创业细化在创业型房地产和经济适用房领域,进而结合斯坦福的特色创业资源进行阐述,如社会创新中心和GSB影响基金,并表示在自己有限的行业背景下,更加需要这些资源支持,阐述非常诚恳。由此也可见,在申请材料中适当呈现自己的“短板”,常常成为展现真诚的有效方法。
除了上文中提到的内容,Stanford 创业资源一般还有 Startup Garage, Lean Launchpad, and Biodesign Innovation 等创新课程,以及GSB浓厚的创业文化。
“ I was first drawn to Stanford GSB because its mission statement deeply resonated with my personal values and ambitions: change lives, change organizations, change the world. I realized, through the application process actually, that what motivates and matters to me is making positive social change. Stanford seemed like the right business school to explore how I can best act on that ambition. Additionally, the GSB's focus on personal development and growth – evidenced by its famous Touchy Feely course, TALK student experience, and other leadership development programs (Lead Labs, Arbuckle Fellows, etc.) – stuck out to me. I wanted to come to Stanford not only for a robust business management education but also to invest in my personal development.
Comments在斯坦福这样世界顶级的商学院,“改变世界”从来不会被当作一句空话, “改变生活,改变组织,改变世界”正是斯坦福一贯的使命宣言,能将此作为 Why School 理由的申请人,阐述得当,也自然会获得学校的青睐,重在探讨如何将这一使命讲出个人特色。
“ I was attracted to Stanford GSB primarily because of the school's unique focus on developing students as leaders through the honing of their soft skills. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I know that this will be very useful in my career and life, and I appreciate that I can prioritize this aspect of my self-development at the GSB. I’m currently enrolled in Interpersonal Dynamics, also known as “Touchy Feely” (the most iconic class at the GSB), where I can learn about the different roles that I can play in group settings and the impressions that I leave on others.