Haas MBA 文书赏析
“ The Bay Area is where the action is, and Berkeley has the greatest number of graduating startup founders of any public university in the United States. I strongly believe that we are at a critical moment in the history of our nation where public and private trends and investments around AI and automation are aligning more closely than ever before. I am looking forward to immersing myself within the entrepreneurial ecosystem of this world-class public research university in order to build teams to address real-world problems.
Comments地处旧金山湾区的伯克利,其毕业生创业人数是美国所有公立大学中最多的——这是 Haas 非常容易讲出差异化的特点。申请人树立了在人工智能和自动化方向投资的职业目标,和学校浓厚的创业生态非常契合。
“ Of the four Defining Leadership Principles, beyond yourself underpins all of the other principles in my view. As a first-generation Bengali immigrant from a low-income household, I inherently understood socioeconomic disparities from a young age and that fueled my dedication to service, professionally and personally. Here are some examples: starting my career in philanthropy, volunteering in hospice care, and joining an employee resource group as an early member to create a safe space for women and BIPOC in technology. All of those experiences remind me that I am the best version of myself when I am lost in serving a purpose or person beyond myself!
Comments质疑现状 (Question the status quo) 、自信而不自负 (Confidence without attitude) 、终生学习 (Student always) 、超越自我 (Beyond yourself) 是 Haas 一贯以来秉承的领导力原则。这位申请人从“超越自我”的原则入手来阐述 Why School,讲述自己自幼年产生的为社会服务的动力,并在此领域不断提升的经历,以个人实例印证了这一原则,实现了学校和个人的契合。
“ I am deeply passionate about building products and solutions that enable equal access to opportunities for all. One of the key reasons why I chose Berkeley is because it is the only MBA school that has a Center for Equity, Gender and Leadership (EGAL). EGAL focuses on creating equity fluent leaders who can build a more inclusive and equitable world. I am looking forward to taking courses like Equity Fluent Leadership: The Value of Inclusion & Diversity from Professor Kellie McElhaney and taking part in consulting projects to assist global companies in solving their most challenging diversity, equity and inclusion challenges.
对于 Diversity 范围的学生来说,在一个多样性丰富的校园氛围中更易找到归属感,也成为 Why School 的重要理由。这位申请人从 Haas 的多样性入手,提到它是唯一一所拥有平等、性别和领导力中心 (EGAL) 的MBA学校,列举了 Kellie McElhaney 教授的课程,表达了对商学院多样性、公平性和包容性校园文化的青睐。
“ Haas is at the forefront of the sustainable business movement, both from a cleantech and startup perspective, but also at the traditional brick-and-mortar level. As someone who believes that the largest companies in existence today will play the greatest role in addressing our climate crisis, it’s important to me that our business leaders develop not only soft skills, but concrete strategies to address this problem head on. From classes in climate change in corporate strategy to sustainable supply chains (and even human rights in business), Haas is teaching the technical science of addressing this challenge at all levels of business.
Comments如果说有什么领域非常适合将个人目标和社会目标相统一的话,一定非“可持续发展”莫属了。这位申请人列举了 Haas 在清洁技术、初创企业和传统实体企业层面的优势,将之和自己在应对气候危机方向的职业目标相连结,课程安排、师资力量、企业资源都成为支撑这一联系的重要因素,是一个论证非常充分的 Why School。
生态危机是当今世界面临的最紧迫问题之一。在Haas,可持续性、 ESG (environmental, social, and governance) 、 DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) 越来越多地成为学术和专业课程的一部分, Michaels Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Business, the Sustainable and Impact Finance initiative 都是 Haas 在这些方面新的探索。
“ All full-time MBA students are required to take an Applied Innovation course to fulfill degree requirements. These courses are experiential learning courses where students consult with local or global companies to make a real-world impact. In particular, I am most interested in the International Business Development (IBD) course where student teams partner with an organization around the world, travel to that location and offer consulting services to them.
Comments课程设置是常见的 Why School 理由,重点在于讲出学校的特色。体验式课程就是 Haas 的特色。这位申请人由宏观设计讲到国际商业发展课程 (IBD) ,展现出对 Haas 课程全面的了解。
“ One of the key reasons I chose Haas was their unparalleled MBA/MPH (Public Health) program. This thoughtfully crafted, decades-old program allows students to receive both a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Public Health in 2.5 years. Furthermore, the deep connection between Haas and the School of Public Health offers unique opportunities for all MBA students to enjoy, such as the Healthcare in the 21st Century course that even non-public health students can choose as an elective. While most business schools have specializations in healthcare, I believe that a rigorous and deliberate public health curriculum would strengthen my approach to addressing health disparities.
Comments商学院所属大学的资源优势往往会成为商学院资源有力的支撑。Haas 的 MBA/MPH (公共卫生)项目就非常有特色。申请人阐述了这个特色双学位项目带来的独特机会,并列举了特色课程如“21世纪医疗保健”,展现了自己明确的职业目标的同时,也体现了对 Haas 的情有独钟。