哥伦比亚大学CBS MBA 文书赏析
“ The world is burning, the solutions are time-bound, and we need a new generation of leaders prepared to tackle this generational crisis. Columbia University – home to the Columbia Climate School, Center on Global Energy Policy, and the Earth Institute – is cultivating a world-leading community of climate-minded scholars, researchers, and decision-makers. Accordingly, CBS is pivoting to integrate principles of sustainable enterprise into all aspects of its curriculum. My experience at CBS will provide me with the critical professional networks, scientific and technical understanding, and resources necessary to make immediate impact within the climate space.
Comments在Why School中呈现出一定的社会责任是招生官很乐意见到的角度。这位申请人将解决世界气候问题与自身的职业目标相连,进而提到学院在气候、能源方面的优势,以一条主线串起Career Goal和Why School,是立意和篇幅控制的典范。
“ The Tamer Center for Social Enterprise stood out for its unparalleled access and experiential learning opportunities for someone like me trying to break into the industry. I plan to fully take advantage of the social enterprise curriculum, student clubs, and in-semester internships to give me a competitive advantage in the industry. I plan to use the skills to start a non-profit to remove the barriers placed on children in underserved communities and provide a space for kids to channel their passions into long term success.
Comments因为某个项目或某项活动而爱上一家商学院这件事,并不夸张。这位申请人就是因为The Tamer Center for Social Enterprise 选择了CBS。如果一个项目恰好和你的职业目标相契合,又能够提供很多优质的资源,何乐不为呢?
“ Columbia Business School’s unique environment for hands-on and practical learning opportunities through experiences like the Executives in Residence program will help me supplement my leadership experience and build technical quantitative skills and solutions-driven management practices. Those hands-on experiences will benefit me in positions of increasing responsibility when I return to the Navy, as I apply new practices to overhaul outdated mindsets in inventory management and performance metrics to increase Navy supply chain efficiency.
CommentsWhy School不仅与我们的未来有关,更与我们的过去相连。这位申请人通过阐述自己过去的职业规划,进而过渡到Why School和Career Goal,以一条时间线将几个要素串联起来,大大增加了可信度。
“ If there was the key part of Columbia Business School’s MBA programming that led me to choose this business school, it would be its holistic approach to building the MBA class. From the start, I have felt that CBS strives to attract multidimensional people who bring in different perspectives on life, work, and academia, by really getting to know its applicants. Both the admissions team and the students I spoke to throughout my application process made me feel that difference is valued and – more importantly – actively harnessed at CBS, which leads to an exciting, disruptive environment.
“ I’d read multiple profs’ books before I even realized they taught at the school. Now if I can only register for their classes at some point… Obviously it’s way easier to get the hot electives in your second year.
Comments这位申请人明确地看到CBS在地缘上的优势,并将其具化为兼职教授的优势资源,非常具体,也非常容易有理有据地阐述出来,因此,Why School原因无所谓范围之大小,只要能表现出申请人充分的思考,都是可以的。
“ New York City is such a great place to earn an MBA. It is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world and an international center of business. Beyond the walls of CBS, NYC is a place where you will meet the most determined and ambitious people. It keeps you on your toes and inspires you to push yourself harder.
Comments对于位于世界之城的商学院来说,学校区位是学校不可忽视的优势,能在商业中心学习自然是很多申请人的梦想,将其作为 Why School 的重要因素也顺理成章,甚至是选校的第一考量。