杜克大学 Fuqua MBA 文书赏析
“ I hesitated to apply to business school for years because I didn't think there would be a place or community for someone like me with a non-profit and international development background and collaborative rather than competitive mindset. Students and staff reinforced this value with words and actions to ensure that every member of Team Fuqua, myself included, succeeds. This spirit means that I'm constantly looking at ways to lift someone else up or share information that would help them reach their goals, and I'm eager to do so.
Comments“Team Fuqua” 是富卡商学院文化的重要组成部分,并被阐述为六个原则,分别是:Authentic Engagement, Supportive Ambition, Collective Diversity, Impactful Stewardship, Loyal Community,和 Uncompromising Integrity。每一位倾心于 Fuqua 的人都离不开对这六个原则的诠释。
这位申请人很特别的开篇吸引读者读下去,从我犹豫申请MBA到终于下决心申请,对 Fuqua 的情有独钟不言而喻;进而用自身经历阐述了对“Supportive Ambition” 的理解和学校与个人之间的契合,一篇真情实感的 Why School。
“ A key takeaway I want from my MBA is a multicultural friend-circle and network. At Fuqua, every aspect of the program is designed to facilitate this. We are divided into “C-lead teams”, which are diverse study teams of six students each – most Fuquans eventually call their learning teams "family"! Our class schedules encourage us to stay in town over weekends, thereby helping deepen relationships. Add to that our weekly school-wide, "Fuqua Friday" parties, heavily engaged alumni community, and global learning opportunities (fingers crossed that travel soon resumes!), and one can clearly see how intentional Fuqua is about building life-long student bonds.
和谐的人际关系,或者说“合作文化”,正如 Fuqua 六原则中的“Supportive Ambition”,是申请人选择 Fuqua 一个至关重要的原因。在体现这些“软特质”的方面,没有什么比事例更有说服力。这位申请人列举了学校的特色项目和活动,用事例展现出 Fuqua 在建立学生间终生连结的努力,展现出对学校的倾慕和向往。
“ As an environmentalist and someone passionate about social justice, I am always asking myself how I can achieve impactful stewardship for our planet and our communities. When applying to MBA programs, I was looking for a school that has a strong sustainability program and a strong social impact program. Fuqua blew that requirement out of the water with both the Center for Energy, Development, and the Global Environment (EDGE) and the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE). In addition, there was faculty specializing specifically on sustainability in ocean industries, a particular interest of mine. However, what turned the tide for me was my sense that Fuqua was teaching its students how to be compassionate, impactful leaders who could not only deliver on the bottom line but could also deliver for the people within their companies.
职业规划无疑是最理想的 Why School 主线。这位申请人以环保和社会影响力为主线,串连起选择 Fuqua 的三方面理由,一是与项目特质的匹配,学校在可持续发展和社会影力方面和自己的价值观相符;二是专业性强,有专门研究海洋产业可持续发展的教职人员;三是欣赏学校培养的领导力风格“成为富有同情心、有影响力的领导者”,合情合理。
“ It has to be the unique curriculum that led me to choose this business school. Fuqua has fewer core classes, allowing me to tailor my two-year experience here the way I want to with more than 100 electives to cherry-pick from. Also, since Fuqua has short and intensive four 6-week terms, it allows me to dabble in a range of courses and amplify the breadth of my education.
Comments课程选择是这位申请人选择 Fuqua 的重要原因。更少的核心课程和更多的选修课,满足了学生更加灵活和自助式的学习诉求;4个为期6周的短学期,更加拓宽了学生的学习广度。
“ I came from a nonprofit background, and I'm keen to continue to make social impact work a major component of my career. A big reason I chose Fuqua was the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE). The way social impact is being delivered around the world is changing, particularly with the growth of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) lenses and impact investing. I want to gain exposure to those approaches, and I saw that Fuqua was a great place to do that.
Comments非盈利背景+社会影响力工作,这是 Pre-MBA 和 Post-MBA 工作和谐一致的典范,也更易于由此讲出社会影响力属性。申请人列举了社会企业家发展中心的特色项目,联系谈到视角和影响投资,所契合的点正是 Why School 的所在。
“ Fuqua's Health Sector Management (HSM) program was a significant factor in my decision to enroll at Duke. HSM is a certificate program available to students interested in pursuing a health-related internship or full-time career. It attracts students both with prior experience in health care, as well as students without.
The Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy also excites me. As a Margolis Scholar, I am able to engage with Duke's interdisciplinary network of health care experts in both Durham and Washington, D.C.—experts like Dr. Mark McClellan, a former Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and current Senior Advisor to Blackstone. Margolis will help me learn how I can improve the value of health care by merging my public and private-sector experiences and interests as a future health care leader.”
提到 Duke,一个标签式的优势就是 Healthcare;Health Sector Management (HSM) 项目更是 Fuqua 的特色。这位坚定于未来从事卫生保健行业的申请人,从特色项目说起,又谈到 Fuqua 的 The Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy,从两个方面将 Fuqua 和个人职业规划相连结,理由十分充分。
“ The experiential learning opportunities at Fuqua were one of the main strengths of the program. Specifically, I am very interested in doing the Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum (FCCP). I want to transition into consulting after my MBA, so I thought it was exciting to have the opportunity to apply what we have learned in the classroom and put it into practice by helping these organizations solve their most pressing challenges.
CommentsFuqua 的客户咨询实践是一个非常好的体验式学习机会,可以让未来计划从事咨询行业的学生有效践行,对于立志于转行从事咨询行业的申请人是非常好的助力。