康奈尔大学 Johnson MBA 文书赏析
“ The residential MBA stands out as the most robust program that supports my ambition to positively impact food systems (e.g., reducing food waste, increasing accessibility to healthy food and strengthening food resilience). Along with the other two schools in the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business — the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and the Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration — there is an interdisciplinary theme of the business of food that synergizes action-based coursework and research from leaders in food and beverage management, retail and agricultural economics. Additionally, the MBA program provides flexibility to take courses outside of the business college to become more well-versed in the science and policy affecting the food industry.
Comments关于食品的跨学科主题是 Johnson 一个非常差异化的项目,这里有与康奈尔大学另外两所学院——应用经济与管理学院和酒店管理学院的资源共享,更有以行动为基础的课程,以及食品和饮料管理、零售和农业经济学领域领导者的研究,都成为食品商业特色的支撑因素。
同时,这份 Why School 还传递了申请人积极的职业抱负——积极影响粮食系统,如减少粮食浪费、增加健康食品的可及性、增强粮食韧性等等。
“ The choice was all about globally renowned sustainability research and coursework built around it. That's why I loved the prospect of studying at Cornell. The commitment of Johnson to its students from the start, to internships and on to career placement, combined with the schools focus on green infrastructure development will allow me room to flourish. I wanted to have a full immersive experience in an MBA program, coupled with the peaceful oasis of Sapsucker Woods at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. At Sapsucker Woods, I am able to wander through the myriad of meandering paths and listen to the symphony of bird calls.
可持续发展是这位申请人选择Cornell的原因。沉浸在萨普克森林——康奈尔鸟类学实验室之中,还有什么比热爱来得更重要呢。作为一名小众背景的申请人,往往具有讲出差异化的先天优势,再能够做到将学校的资源优势和自己坚定的职业规划相结合,可以在 Why School 上起奇效。
“ My hunt for higher education prompted me to seek a program that encourages leaders within family businesses. The Smith Family Business Initiative at Cornell, which provides education and support for family business owners and successors, motivated me to apply to Johnson. I was looking for a program that will allow me to expand my professional network with like-minded problem solvers and decision-making entrepreneurial individuals. While attending some of the Connected Conversations hosted by the Smith Family Business Initiative, I immediately knew I wanted to join, engage and connect with this tight-knit community of continuous innovative investors.
史密斯家族企业计划是康奈尔大学的特色项目,致力于为家族企业所有者和继承人提供教育和支持,这正是这位申请人选择约翰逊商学院的理由。申请人列举了这一计划中的特色活动 Connected Conversations,以此为切入点讲述 Why School,既有宏观理由,又有微观阐述,论述非常充分。
“ The pay-it-forward culture is very prevalent at Johnson. Everyone I interacted with — current students, alumni, the admissions committee — was extremely supportive and helpful throughout the application process. Attending Destination Johnson in Ithaca and experiencing first-hand how invested Cornell is in its community was phenomenal. I was accepted to other business schools, but I made up my mind after attending Destination Johnson. I thrive in environments where I feel included and supported, and Cornell was the perfect fit.
Comments校园文化是 Why School 的一个重要的因素。和谐互助的学生关系不仅影响到在校期间的体验,更会影响到合作学习的效果、未来求职的情况,甚至终生的 network。
“ When choosing a school, I was interested in programs that incorporated more leadership into the curriculum. Johnson indisputably places a great emphasis on leadership compared to other MBA programs. As a military member, the need for leadership skills is prominent in my day-to-day job. I wanted an MBA program that would holistically benefit my future career. I was also fortunate to be selected for the Johnson Roy H. Park Fellowship, which will allow for increased opportunities to develop my leadership style while pursuing an MBA.
Comments领导力培养是这位申请人选择 Johnson 的理由。一方面要讲清楚学校领导力的特色,包括课程设置、Johnson Roy H. Park 奖学金;另一方面要通过个人经历讲清楚领导力之所以对自己重要的原因,两者兼具构成充分的 Why School。
Johnson 在培养领导力方面是倾注了巨大努力的。在这里,每个学生都有机会通过领导团队实践项目领导核心团队项目,并收到关于自身领导技能的反馈,这种反馈也同样来自于教授和同学。这些都可以成为阐述 Johnson 领导力的点。
“ Immersions were one of the most appealing aspects of the program that drew me to Johnson. My best way to learn something is to do it. In college, I better understood thermodynamic formulas when using them to design cooling systems relative to attending lectures. Johnson's unique hands-on immersion program speaks directly to this, especially the dual approach I plan to choose — consulting and digital technology. By tackling real-world business challenges, I'll sharpen my structured, problem-solving mindset and develop knowledge of digital management to prepare better for my summer internship.
Comments沉浸感是这位申请人选择 Johnson 的重要理由。课堂学习的沉浸式、社会实践的沉浸式,让理论和实践有充分的结合点。只要是能够带给我们成长的部分都可以成为非常充分的 Why School 阐述。这位申请人将 post-MBA 职业规划定位在咨询和数字技术方面,充分的实践更有助于提高我的结构化、解决问题的思维方式,并发展数字管理的知识,是极具个人特色的Why School。