学生想学悉大临床https://www.sydney.edu.au/courses/courses/uc/bachelor-of-science-and-doctor-of-medicine.html ,A LEVEL 数学 进阶数学 化学 物理 al 4A* 分数够的;但是国际生就收10个,请问语言是否豁免、如何提高录取概率 以及有没有额外要求呢?
所有的要求都list在官网上了:https://www.sydney.edu.au/courses/courses/uc/bachelor-of-science-and-doctor-of-medicine.html, 到时候学生还会被邀请参加一个online assessment,因为全球只有10个名额,所以是到时候根据学生的综合能力来判断是否录取。建议先递交申请,然后根据admission的回复去准备线上测试和面试
其他澳洲 advanced diploma入读悉尼本科要求多少
AQF Advanced Diploma requirements
Applicants who have completed an Advanced Diploma in Australia with an average pass result (or overall result of competent) can apply to courses with an ATAR up to 76.Applicants with an average credit can apply to courses with an ATAR up to 83.
Applicants with an average distinction can apply to courses with an ATAR up to 93.
Applicants with an average high distinction can apply to courses with an ATAR up to 96.95.