Dental Surgery BDS-5years
Applicants whose first language is not English require a minimum score of IELTS 7.0 or equivalent with no less than 5.5 in each of the four elements of the test.
b) Alevel:AAA
AAA including Chemistry and Biology. For Biology, Chemistry and Physics A Levels, we require a pass in the practical element. General Studies and Critical Thinking are not accepted.
c)IB:37 points
A minimum of 37 points with Chemistry and Biology at Grade 6 or above at Higher level.
d) UCAT:
All applicants are required to sit the UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) in the year of application. The UCAT threshold may differ in each admissions cycle as it is dependent on the scores achieved by those applicants who apply to our Dental School in the current cycle. Therefore information on what the threshold is, is not available to prospective students.
所有申请必须通过大学和学院申请服务(UCAS):UCAS code: A206
As a basis for clinical work you'll study basic biomedical sciences.Topics include:
an introduction to dentistry
molecules, cells and tissues
anatomy of the head and neck
cardiovascular and respiratory systems
oral environment
dental tissues
nutrition and diet
dental materials science
interpersonal skills
You'll also see patients in clinics in the Dental Hospital while shadowing a senior student.
Towards the end of Stage 2, you'll start learning procedures such as simple fillings and root treatments, using phantom heads with natural teeth, in preparation for taking responsibility for your own patients early in Stage 3.
You'll start managing your own patients by providing simple treatment under close supervision.
You'll learn how to prevent disease, plan treatment, treat dental decay and place fillings, undertake root treatments, treat gum disease and make dentures. You also learn how to extract teeth and even undertake simple surgery. We teach you how to use radiographs (X-rays) safely, to administer local anaesthetics, and how to deal with problems of cross-infection.
Initially the teaching of the different clinical disciplines is kept separate, but as the course progresses your cases will become increasingly complex and demand greater integration between the various skills.
In Stage 3, courses in pathology and microbiology will give you an initial grounding in disease processes. You'll also have lectures and further practical courses in areas such as: radiology; preventive dentistry and public health; periodontology; crown and bridgework; advanced endodontics; gerodontology; and oral medicine.
By the end of Stage 4, you'll be spending approximately half of your time on patient care and clinical dental practice, with supporting clinical-related teaching.
In stages 4 and 5 you'll be exposed to advanced techniques such as orthodontics, dental implants and intravenous sedation. Your clinical commitments will occupy much of your time, especially in the later years, but the teaching of important theoretical aspects of dentistry continues.